How To Use The Toolkit
Use this handy step-by-step guide to learn how to craft your case using the Toolkit messaging guidelines and the Resources available on this website.
Structure Your Narrative
Remember that your talking points should follow a simple method:
- Open with a message.
- Back that up with a statistic or fact that supports that message.
- Finish with your own personal story or another case study as a concrete example.
Reference the Region
While the City of Philadelphia is our area’s cornerstone, remember that the surrounding counties are as vital as our urban center. We operate as one regional economy with a shared future.
We should refer to our location as “the Philadelphia region” and not simply “Philadelphia.”
Develop Messaging
This resource provides tips for developing key messaging using the brand strategy based on extensive qualitative and quantitative research conducted by PGIP partners. It includes brand narrative, tone, and keywords to use or avoid.
Craft Proof Points
Find sample statistics and facts to use or adapt for key topics on our landing pages: Business, Talent, Investment
You can also search our Resource Collections to find information that supports your argument.
Use Imagery
Strong imagery paired with text reinforces your points and gives the audience a powerful visual cue. Use our images in your documents and presentations to represent the region.
Use Video
Video is an effective way of letting others tell the story for you. Use some of the videos provided to supplement your narrative.