Resource type
Brand Tools

Contribution Guidelines

This resource provides recommendations for contributing content to the Philadelphia Story. It is intended to help existing Philadelphia Global Identity Partnership (PGIP) members and others identify potential resources and content to share on the site, as well as provide guidelines for content submission.


What do we need?

We are looking for files, documents, and data that can be easily shared, downloaded, and adapted by others for presentations, sales meetings, campaigns, proposals, or other materials that make the case for investment in the region.  Examples include:

  • A planning report for a major corridor in the City that a commercial developer might use to attract global investors for a development project.
  • A labor market dataset that describes the size and characteristics of our region’s workforce.
  • A map of the fastest growing areas in our region.
  • A video of a recent transplant speaking about her motivation to relocate to the region with her employer’s new headquarters.
  • Blog posts about living, working, or growing a business in the Philadelphia region.
  • An analysis of local start-ups, their growth, and their expansion nationwide.
  • A list of the region’s fastest growing small businesses.
  • Examples of marketing and advertising creative assets that align with the Philadelphia brand narrative.
  • A directory of arts and culture organizations.  
  • Interesting numbers or statistics that showcase the region’s strengths

What should you prepare?

Key things you should have in hand before submitting a resource include the following:



Resource Title/Name 

Provide a short title that helps site users identify the relevance of the resource.   Keep the title under 10 words, if possible.


Describe the resource and why it might be relevant.  Consider:

  • What is the Resource? 
  • How have you used this item in the past? 
  • How might someone else use it?

Resource Type

We will ask you to select from the following categories, or add your own:

  • Social Media Assets
  • One-pagers
  • Presentations
  • Data / Statistics
  • About the Region
  • Templates
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Graphics
  • How-To Guide
  • Opportunity
  • Other: Please provide

Resource Focus

We will ask you to categorize the resource according to our themes:  

  • Live Here:  Attracting residents and helping companies communicate the value of our region to employees who need to relocate.
  • Work Here:  Attracting talent to relocate to Philadelphia for professional advancement.
  • Grow Here:  Attracting businesses, investment, entrepreneurs, foundation dollars.

Links / Files

Please provide URLs or upload files so we can provide access to the resource on our site.

Data Source

Please provide the original sources for data points, datasets, statistics, and other information contained in this resource.  

PGIP Partner Organization

Please provide the name of the organization (if any) that should be identified as the owner of this information.

Copyright / Credit Information

Please provide any copyright or credit information for photos and materials, if necessary.

Case Studies

What do we need?

A case study is a story that describes how a PGIP partner or another organization has used the brand and/or resources in the toolkit to make a successful case for the region.  The case studies should help a site user understand how they might adapt the brand and the resources to their own needs.  It should inspire them and also provide concrete examples that they can apply.

An example of a case study we intend to feature is Philadelphia 250. This organization used the brand guidelines to begin marketing our sesquicentennial celebration in 2026. Their website and related materials were based on our branding language and messaging approach.

Other case study examples might focus on:  

  • Successfully recruiting a major corporation to relocate its headquarters or open a satellite office here; 
  • An organization whose work highlights global connections in the region; or
  • An effort to revitalize our restaurant industry post-pandemic.
Images and Video

What do we need?

We are looking for high-resolution images and videos that depict a diverse range of settings, people, and subject matter.  As with our resources, we would like to identify images that align with living, working, and growing here and also showcase our brand narrative in action.  Guidelines for ideal imagery include:

  • Image sizes and resolution.  Images with 300 dpi (of any size) or images with 72dpi and a minimum size of 2000 pixels wide.  PGIP will optimize images for the web before posting them.
  • Image locations.  Images from the surrounding counties, not just the City proper.
  • Unbranded location(s).  No logos or signs should be featured in the image. The location of the photo should be ambiguous so that the website user can not identify it as a location specifically in the City but rather somewhere in the greater Philadelphia area. 
  • Theme and subject matter. The pillars of the narrative should be used to inspire the subject matter:  Passion, Ingenuity, Diversity, Human Connection, and Livability.  Use one or more of these pillars to inspire an image’s subject matter.

Will your content automatically be posted to the site?

While we anticipate that most resources will be utilized, not all submitted materials will be posted. The Content and Communications Committee will review submitted materials for relevance and redundancy and curate what appears on the site. You will be notified if your materials will be used and when they are available on the site.


Will you get credit for the content you provide?

Please let us know if you need to receive credit for your resources. You can also opt to provide a link only, so that users find the resources on your website and it is clear where it originated.  Please refer to our formal disclaimer around the use of materials for more information.


Who will be using your materials?

Please only provide information, content, images, and media that you are comfortable sharing with any site visitor and allowing them to use in their own promotional materials.  We will request that credit be given to you as the source or copyright holder, but we will not have control over that use.   


Where can I submit my content?

Please use the form below if you have one or two items to submit.


Do you have a large number of items or a large dataset to contribute?

You can always email us at to make arrangements.  We welcome whatever you can provide! 

Contribute Your Story

Please select all that apply.